Top 10 Advantages Of Vaping Over Smoking You Should Know (1)

Many individuals are unaware of the fact that using vaping or electronic cigarettes can help you quit while also making the process safer and more efficient. We’ve chosen the top ten advantages of vaping changeover that you may look forward to!

Top 10 advantages of vaping over smoking (Part 1}

It’s hugely better for your health than smoking

There is a huge amount of misleading information regarding vaping’s safety out there, and many people mistakenly think it’s at least as dangerous as smoking. if not more so. The biggest advantage of vaping is that vaping is healthier for you than smoking, and it works well as a quitting aid, so you’re more likely to be successful in reducing or quitting.

E-liquids don’t linger in the body, like tar in the lungs does whenever you smoke cigarettes, and have significantly fewer toxins than cigarette smoke. Those who swiftly adapt to vaping experience numerous health advantages, including reduced blood pressure, simpler breathing, enhanced immunological function, improved taste, and smell perception, and improved lung function.

The advantages of vaping include costs a lot less than smoking.

According to estimates, consuming 20 cigarettes daily in Australia will cost you, on average, £10,000. Of course, everyone’s experience will vary slightly because of various circumstances, including the brand of cigarettes they smoke, where they purchased them, and other considerations. The advantages of vaping should note that although vaping has higher initial costs than smoking—you must purchase an e-cigarette and any necessary attachments before you can start—it is significantly less expensive overall than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

one among advantages of vaping is that it helps you economize your budget
One among advantages of vaping is that it helps you economize your budget

Using e-cigarettes can help you stop smoking cigarettes.

As we’ve already established, E-cigarettes are tremendously helpful for aiding smokers in quitting temporarily or permanently. Upwards of 50% of current smokers said they wanted to stop, and reducing or quitting tobacco use is the most prevalent reason people use e-cigarettes. Additionally, studies have found that vaping is about twice as effective as conventional nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), which include products like nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, pouches, inhalers, and other more “traditional” quitting aids.

One of the numerous advantages of vaping, which made it so effective in helping smokers stop, is the rush of nicotine. Vaping continues many of the physical patterns and urges you develop over years or months of smoking tobacco products without causing you any harm, which is why it’s so good at helping you quit. M

any ex-smokers struggle to find something to occupy their hands after quitting, but vaping provides you with exactly that! Nicotine’s tendency to suppress appetite and reduce food cravings makes it challenging for many people to quit smoking. Many people struggle to avoid giving it up and resorting to food, which leads to gaining weight to feed their missing addiction. 

Some ex-smokers find it difficult to quit smoking.
Some ex-smokers find it difficult to quit smoking.

But now, with vaping, smokers have such a good alternative that neither promotes fat reduction nor serves as a quick fix for weight loss. Its success lies in maintaining the initial nicotine habit rather than quitting smoking abruptly. Last but not least, smoking is frequently a social pastime for smokers, and when they try to stop, they miss this component. With vaping, you may maintain the social component of smoking without continuing a bad habit.

Inhaling secondhand vapor is less harmful than inhaling secondhand smoke.

Studies on the effects of second-hand smoke have been conducted for many years, and the findings indicate that smoking is still hazardous for both smokers and those nearby. More than 5000 compounds, including 70 recognized carcinogens, included in the smoke produced by tobacco products (cancer-causing ingredients). Because more people than just the smoker can inhale second-hand smoke, it is extremely harmful. The consequences of secondhand smoke in children include:

  • Increased likelihood of respiratory infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis
  • The increasing likelihood of ear, nose, & throat infections
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome risk is rising (also known as SIDS or cot death)
  • Greater likelihood of experiencing severe asthma attacks
  • Adults who have secondhand smoke exposure are more likely to suffer from heart disease, strokes,  lung cancer, among other conditions.

Contrarily, studies have found that the hazards associated with inhaling secondhand vapor are lower when vaping. Although there is still much to learn about vaping, all available information indicates that the consequences of second-hand vapor are minimal because it vanishes so quickly, making vaping safer for people around you. To be safe, several medical specialists advise against using a vaporizer around young children and expectant women.

Vapour is not smelled as persistent as cigarette smoke.

According to studies, even in a room with poor ventilation, e-cigarette users exhale vapor disintegrates in a matter of seconds without impairing the air quality. Contrarily, cigarette smoke can linger in the environment for up to 30 minutes. This not only worsens the consequences of passive smoking but also permits cigarette smoke to permeate furnishings and materials, which is why numerous smokers eventually notice that their walls, drapes, clothes, and furniture are stained or smell like tobacco. Vapers don’t have to worry about this because vapor dissipates quickly after being breathed. Additionally, because the smell of the e-liquid frequently hangs in the air and is sweet and fruity, it is much more pleasant for you and those around you.

More than that

There is a further discussion that clarifies several advantages of vaping over smoking in our future series. Keep your eyes on it and discover some further interesting articles we offer. Do not hesitate to reach out to Ausvapestore if you have any questions arising.