Do you use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking effectively?

E-cigarettes could appear to be a risk-free substitute for traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes, however, is not risk-free and won’t assist you in controlling your nicotine addiction. To use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking is an excellent alternative if you’re attempting to try, but it requires a solid plan and psychological preparation.

What are e-cigarettes, and how do they work?

They burn tobacco leaves to introduce nicotine into your system. As a result, users expose their bodies to more than 7,000 harmful compounds as well as lung-clogging tar. These chemicals cause roughly 14 different malignancies and harm practically all of your body’s organs and systems.

Contrarily, e-cigarettes deliver nicotine that has been extracted from tobacco leaves without actually burning the leaves. As the e-liquid is vaporized, users inhale an aerosol that contains nicotine as well as other substances. 

The finest thing you can do for your health is, without a doubt, to try electronic cigarettes to quit regular smoking cigarettes. However, before you start a strategy to utilize electronic cigarettes to quit smoking, take into account the following.

Are e-cigarettes safe to use?

E-cigarettes might not be as hazardous as traditional cigarettes, but they are still unsafe. We do not certain what these long-term health consequences will be due to the fact that they are new, unstandardized, and differ greatly depending on the maker. Years of the study were required to establish the harmful effects of cigarettes, a once-medically recommended substance. With e-cigarettes, this process is only getting started.

E-cigarettes are reportedly less dangerous than cigarettes, according to specific reports. Switching electronic cigarettes to quitting smoking could be appropriate. However, it is even better to stop using all nicotine products. Other tested, approved, and safe methods exist.

Using electronic cigarettes to quit smoking is a good alternative solution
Using electronic cigarettes to quit smoking is a good alternative solution

Can we use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking?

Smoking cessation programs are safe and proven to work. The best way to quit is with a comprehensive approach that includes starting to use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking effectively,  progress nicotine replacements, and psychological support.

However, some data suggest that adult smokers who want to quit may find success with e-cigarettes. In a 2021 Cochrane review, researchers looked at 61 publications with 16,759 smoking-related adults. They found that compared to those who used patches, chew, or nicotine-free e-cigarettes, those who used electronic cigarettes to quit smoking had a greater chance of successfully quitting conventional cigarettes for at least six months.

Several researches aim to tackle the smoking problems.
Several pieces of research aim to tackle the smoking problems.

Researchers believe that smokers can use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking which also provides nicotine, which may aid people because they mimic the act and routines of smoking. It would be “surprising,” according to Jonathan Foulds, a professor at Penn State University College of Medicine who studies how smokers overcome their tobacco addictions if e-cigarettes did not help individuals give up smoking.

Even infrequent usage of e-cigarettes has benefits. Dr. Foulds and his associates found in a 2021 study that smokers who transitioned to high-nicotine e-cigarettes after 24 weeks cut their consumption in half and reduced their exposure to the harmful compounds caused by tobacco smoke.

How can you pick the best electronic cigarette?

There are many suppliers and manufacturers on the market, but only some of them are reliable. You risk receiving counterfeit or inferior items if you buy from the wrong vendor. It is advised to purchase electronic cigarettes to quit smoking from a trusted vendor who has been in business for more than a year or two and has been offering those products online for a certain time in order to prevent this issue. Check out Ausvapestore to choose your appropriate vape kit to start your practice.


As you can see, there are many factors to take into account when choosing electronic cigarettes to quit smoking. However, when making your decision, it’s important to consider what you individually want from your vaping experience. After that, you can choose the best vape kit and attachments for your requirements as long as you are aware of the fundamentals of each device as well as what they offer. However, purchasing a new vape kit is a significant investment, so think it over carefully and contact our support staff for assistance if necessary.